ChildOrthoCare Blogs What is Clubfoot?

What is Clubfoot?

There is no clear idea from research as to how children get clubfoot. It is generally considered,especially in rural areas of India that it is something related to eclipse which is completely unreal and false. It is conjectured by doctors that there might be some genetic issues or most probably it is idiosyncratic reason. There could be a link between low amniotic fluid and clubfoot. Amniotic fluid is the liquid that surrounds a baby in the womb.
Clubfoot symptoms can vary, but they are simple for a medical expert to recognise. Usually, a clear symptom is feet bent downwards and inwards, pointing its toes in the direction of the other foot. Another symptom may include, feet size difference up to half an inch. A clubfoot foot is shorter than the other foot.
Clubfoot, generally, is discovered after a child is delivered. It can be physically seen how your baby’s foot looks, your doctor can determine if your child has clubfoot. During an ultrasound, clubfoot can also be found in utero (when the infant is still inside the mother’s womb). An imaging technique called an ultrasound is used to examine unborn children. An ultrasound is typically performed on a pregnant woman to confirm the health and development of her unborn child.

Even if clubfoot is found while the baby is still within the womb, there is little that can be done at that time to treat it before the child is born. It can be treated only after the birth of the baby but as mentioned earlier it should be treated as soon as the child is born.

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According to many researchers and child Orhopedic surgeons Clubfoot is not a ‘disease’ which can not be treated, rather many doctors have this view that Clubfoot can be trated very easily if it is treated on time! There are primarily two methods for treating clubfoot. Stretching to reshape which is usually done through Plasters, is one method. There are different sphere of the world where Clubfoot is present even in India and there are different facilities for Clubfoot treatment in India. Through CTEV/Clubfoot brace, Clubfoot shoes, or CTEV/Clubfoot exercise. There are myriads of options that doctors tells us to treat Clubfoot in India. there are orthopedic clinics available, like Child Orthocare, for CTEV treatment in Delhi/India. The second way entails surgery. The majority of clubfoot cases respond well to non-surgical treatment, with CTEV braces, or CTEV/Clubfoot exercises. As there are CTEV Management in Delhi/India very easily and at the same time they are effective. Stretching and reshaping the foot is the most effective treatment for the majority of infants having cubfoot in Delhi or in any other part of the world. The Ponseti approach is the one that is most frequently utilised. Usually within the first week after birth, treatment starts as soon as possible. The greatest and simplest moment to restructure the foot is right now. Talking about surgery, which is apparently a very minor surgical work doctor Nargesh agarwal shows in his videos (posted on YouTube) how this small procedure is done. Doctor Agarwal mentions the following: “the child who has clubfoot has the tendon that is behind it is tight. So what we do is, the heel that you see here is the sole and this is the heel area. We go one inch upwards to the heel area, here first we do local anesthesia, local anesthesia means to numb that particular area. When this area becomes numb then with any surgical blade we after feeling the place, we cut the tendon from here. The moment this tendon is cut, the way you saw it there is a gap created between them in this gap a new vein is generated. OK. It is a very simple procedure. There was a tight tendon, this blade went here, cut it and they got separated. After this what is gap is created in this a new vein is generated. Just exactly like that a new vein is created as nature had provided”. There are research done on the same by Doctor Agarwal and others which can be used as reference for more information.

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