
Intoeing Gait

Intoeing Gait

In-toeing gait means child’s feet turned in while walking. It’s a normal variation in early childhood.

What problems associated with In-toeing gait.

Child has tendency of frequent fall, cosmetic gait appearance. Early fatigue may also associate with it.

What means femoral anteversion?

Femoral anteversion means femur (thigh bone) turned in and results in-toeing gait. It is the angle between neck and posterior femoral condyles. In children femoral ante version is high at birth (~40-45 degree) which comes down to normal (15-20 degree).

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Femoral anteversion means femur (thigh bone) turned in and results in-toeing gait. It is the angle between neck and posterior femoral condyles. In children femoral ante version is high at birth (~40-45 degree) which comes down to normal (15-20 degree).

No, it’s not harmful. Most of the children prefer to sit in W sitting as it’s the most comfortable position for a child to sit. But parents should prefer their children to sit in cross leg position. W Sitting happens because of increase femoral anteversion.

Depends on reason (Femoral anteversion/ Tibial Intorsion/ Foot problems). Femoral anteversion resolves spontaneously with time with some exercises and promote cross leg sitting. Tibial torsion and foot deformity may require some medical treatment depending on severity.

1.Increase Femoral anteversion (Most common).
2. Increase Tibial Intorsion.
3. Foot turned in (Clubfoot , Metatarsus Adductus, Hallux Varus).
4. Muscular weaknes.

1.Well fitted shoes
2.Encourage child to sit in cross leg position
3.Increase physical activities like jump, swimming, running and hopping
4.Promote using Indian toilet
Walking along straight line and pigeon walking
5.Seek medical advice (pediatric orthopedic) as soon as possible.
6.Stretching exercises

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