
Infection Of Joint

Infection of Joints (Septic Arthritis)

Children are highly susceptible for joint infections. Any joint of body can catch infection but most common is hip joint. The infection of joints or septic arthritis is caused by staphylococcus aureus and similar bacteria found in living environments. Joint infection adversely affects the child’s growth and leads to physical dysfunction. It should be treated as an emergency basis.

Poor hygiene and low immunity is the two most common reasons for catching the infection in children. Although there are many other reasons for joint infection. Most common bacteriaare staphylococcus aureus but other bacteria can do the same found in living environments,and can infect the joint of young children easily.

The symptoms of joint infection (septic arthritis) may differ from one child to another. The normal symptoms of infection of joints are fever, pain, and difficulty in moving the infected joints. Some children even feel lethargic and irritable, poor diet etc when their joints are infected by bacteria.

It’s a medical emergency. If surgeon feels that there is a collection inside the joint then he usually aspirate the joint with thick bore needle to confirm the pus. If there is pus in the aspiration then need to operate the child. If there is no or minimal pus inside the joint on aspiration then surgeon usually put the child on antibiotic and analgesic.

If treated timely and correctly then results are good. Neglected or delayed cases may results in septic sequel like damage of joint with secondary changes. Parents should take timely consultation with treating physician.

Infection Of Joint
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